Every year when I visit my family in Poland, I try to squeeze in a trip to another country near by (and once you're there, pretty much everything is near by;) For the last 5 years Mike has been pushing to go to Norway but I've been successfully talking him out of it, imagining it'd be too cold, too rainy, too moody for a summer trip. But this year was different, I finally caved in. And pretty much within minutes into our road trip, I decided I've known absolutely nothing about this stunning place. Yes, it was cold and rainy, but none of it mattered. In fact, it added more magic to it. Traveling through foggy landscapes, when the sun plays constant peekaboos, hiding in cozy (and overly pricey) cafes when the rain is too heavy, or simply not caring about any of it and hiking up the mountain in the worst rain and loving every minute of it, because you know it's a Norway way, or as we liked to say it, it's simply Nor-way!